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About Canway Migration

Best Immigration & Visa Consultants in Dubai

As a global provider of immigrant and resident services, Canway Migration Services delivers quality services to a wide range of applicants. You will be matched with the best opportunities once your qualifications have been assessed.

People Migrated

Legal Registration

As an immigration consulting company, we provide our clients with highly efficient immigration services tailored to each client's profile. From submitting basic ID proof's to preparing for visa interviews, we provide comprehensive immigration services and legal registration assistance. The relationships we have with standard councils allow us to move client files with ease.

Process Transparency

t the beginning, a preliminary analysis is done by looking at your profile. Following consultation, there will be a documentation procedure.With the use of acrobatic CRM, we ensure that the entire process of getting you immigrate is 100% transparent and detailed, contributing to a better understanding and also educating about the real scenario at the backend.

Immigration Experts

In terms of academics, work, and business, our team of immigration consultants has vast experience in guiding clients from a wide variety of backgrounds to achieve their dreams. You will be guided by our expert immigration consultants through the entire process, which gives you confidence in making a wise decision regarding immigration.

Documentation Assistance

As an immigration consultancy, we observed that most of our clients have difficulty in completing a visa application on their own. If any mistake is committed, the visa process may be halted or delayed and need to reapply. Our immigration consultants simplify the process of handling your documents and ensure a smooth transition to your dream country.

Countless Benefits & Easy Processing from

Canway Migration

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Top Rated By Customers & Immigration Firms With 100% Success Rate.

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Candidates interested in moving to Canada must achieve a minimum score of 67 out of a possible 100 points based on the criteria given above. It is, however, contingent on the results of the expedited entry draw conducted by the Canadian government. The number fluctuates as the deadline approaches. As a result, calculating the number of points needed to pass the Comprehensive Assessment System is complex and imprecise.
Australia is one of the world's most popular immigration regions. It provides several opportunities for new immigrants to the nation, particularly those arriving on legal immigration visas, study visas, business visas, and other types of visas. Australia attracts and invites thousands of immigrants every year because of its well-organized point-based system, high earnings, cultural variety, world-class cities, and high employment levels. Due to the persistent skills need in Australia's many sectors, many fresh and brilliant people have been able to come, reside, work, and settle permanently in Australia. Let's have a look at the various visa types and immigration options available in Australia.
Canway Migration Student Visa Consultants can assist you in pursuing higher studies in nations such as Canada, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Based on the student's interests and educational background, we advise you on the appropriate fields or courses. We make certain that students' individual and career objectives are addressed as they pursue their preferred course. We also handle documents and housing when student visas have been secured from the appropriate embassies. Our services also include job permits and relocation assistance following the completion of the courses.

Common Immigration Questions

As a global provider of immigrant and resident services, Canway Migration Services delivers quality services to a wide range of applicants.