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One of the most well-known PNP programmes in Canada is the Quebec skilled worker programme. The only part of Canada where the French language is commonly spoken is Quebec, which is Canada’s largest province and is situated in the east-central part of the country. Only Greece is larger than Quebec’s sophisticated, open economy, which ranks as the world’s 37th largest overall and the 28th largest in terms of GDP. One of the leading high-tech nations in North America is Quebec, which is involved in industries like aircraft, computer hardware and software, and multimedia. Over 145,000 people are employed there, and there are over 7,300 firms.

Quebec welcomes immigrants to join the workforce as it intends to add 115,000 new jobs in the information and technology sectors by 2017.

A regional nomination immigration programme called Quebec Skilled Worker allows people from all over the world to come to the province and live and work there for the first time, boosting the province’s economy and labour market in the process.

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